Invest Hotel Scheme

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Invest Hotel Scheme (IHS)

What is it?

The Invest-Hotel Scheme (IHS) is a scheme which permits hotel developers to finance the development of a hotel through the sale of villas, suites or other components of the hotel to individual buyers. IHS provides:

  • For the development of a hotel on either freehold or leasehold land of more than 1 hectare where units, villas, suites or other parts of the hotel can be sold
  • That the buyer leases back the unit to the seller (compulsory)
  • That the unit leased back to the seller may be used and occupied by the unit owner or any person on his behalf for a total of not more than 45 days in any period of 12 months

Who can buy residential property in IHS developments?

The following persons are eligible to acquire a residential property from a IHSCompany:

  • A non-citizen of Mauritius
  • A citizen of Mauritius
  • A company registered as a foreign company under the Companies Act
  • A company incorporated or registered under the Companies Act
  • A société, where its deed of formation is deposited with the Registrar of Companies
  • A limited partnership under the Limited Partnerships Act
  • A trust, where the trusteeship services are provided by a qualified trustee

A qualified global business as defined under the Financial Services Act 2007 which holds a Global Business Licence cannot acquire residential IHS property.

Is there a minimum price set for a unit in an IHS development?

For units other than a ‘stand-alone villa’, there is no minimum price required to acquire such units. For a ‘stand-alone villa’, the amount of investment should not be less than USD 500,000 (excluding taxes) or its equivalent in any freely convertible currency.

At which stage of the development of a IHS hotel can the units be sold?

A unit in an IHS project may be sold either:

On the basis of a plan (off-plan sales)

During the construction phase

Upon completion of the construction

Where the acquisition is made off-plan or during the construction phase, the contract shall be governed by the provisions of the “vente en l’etat futur d’achevement (VEFA)”, as more fully described in the articles of the Code Civil Mauricien.

A sale in a future state of completion is the contract by which a seller transfers at once to the buyer his rights in the ground as well as the ownership of the existing structures. The works to come become the property of the buyer as they proceed; the buyer is bound to pay the price of them as the work proceeds.

In accordance with the provisions of Article 1601-30 of the Code Civil, the price of a residential unit when sold under “vente en l’état futur d’achèvement” is payable in instalments as the work progresses, as follows:

Can a purchaser take a loan in Mauritius to acquire such a property?

A loan can be taken locally to acquire an IHS unit in Mauritius. Where a loan is contracted in Mauritius currency with a bank in Mauritius, the first 500, 000 US dollars must be paid in USD or its equivalent in any other freely convertible foreign currency; and the repayment of the loan must be effected in any freely convertible foreign currency.

Upon signing of the deed:


Upon completion of the foundation works:


Upon completion of the foundation works:


Upon completion:


Upon availability of premises:
